Tuesday, January 28, 2020

How Globalization Affects Culture Media Essay

How Globalization Affects Culture Media Essay Culture is imperceptible influence for the world and it can spread by any way. After the World Wars, the globalization make the developed country and developing country a platform that can share their culture with other country. Couple with globalization, local culture like language, diet, movie, festival and health, it cannot only spread around the world which let culture become heterogeneous and complicated, but also the different cultures fuse with each other, it makes some cultures lose their newness and distinctiveness. Body Globalization affects the language à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Globalization strengthens the communication between the world people, it leads to the language dissemination that not limited to use own language. For China, after the war broken down the increasingly isolationist of foreign policy of the Ming Dynasty. Chinese was compelled to learn the different language from intruder. For example, Shanghai Star (2002) mention that, The first school teaching foreign languages in Shanghai was Guang Fangyan guan, established in 1863. And in 1872, 30 people from Shanghai to the United States began to study abroad. In a short time, they overcame the language barrier and even became some of the best students in their schools. Its a important step to achieve globalization at the history of China. At the moment, neighboring countries of China has influence by Chinese. Japanese language and Chinese language have deep relationship. Kibi no makibi, an overseas student study at Tang Dynasty, utilization of the Chinese charac ters component created Japanese katakana phonetic text. Later, Kukai (dharma), one of overseas students, using Chinese characters Xingshu body creating Japanese kana script hiragana. So, as everyone saw, Japanese include many Chinese character component. Globalization make the language heterogeneous and complicated, however, some smaller language was disappear cause globalization. According to Colls (n.d), In 1992 a prominent US linguist stunned the academic world by predicting that by the year 2100, 90% of the worlds languages would have ceased to exist. With the developed of globalization, people can communicate with the different people around the world. That makes the large language developed, like English, Chinese, French and so on. In some countries, the second language even more used than first language. Alaska Native Language Center (n.d) found, Alaska is home to at least 20 Native languages belonging to four distinct language families. Futhermore, Ostler (2000) mentions, Out of twenty native Alaskan languages, only two are still being learned by children. Of these twenty languages, one disappeared because in 2008, the last person that spoke this language died. These languages, Eskimo-Aleut and Athabascan-Eyak-Tlingit, are big parts of Alaskan culture. In the American language environment, people use English to talk with other people. It led to the disappearance of 20 native languages quickly at Alaska. Ostler (2000) adds that, Many linguists predict that at least half of the worlds 6,000 or so languages will be dead or dying by the year 2050. Languages are becoming extinct at twice the rate of endangered mammals and four times the rate of endangered birds. If this trend continues, the world of the future cou ld be dominated by a dozen or fewer languages. conclution Globalization affects the diet As everyone knows, different foods origin are differents, they were spread to all over the world because globalization. Japanese is a sea island, and its make the seafood, such like fish, shrimp, shellfish that contains nutritions is good for peoples health, is necessary material for their diet. And they keep the nutritional value of seafood by eaten hot or cold , raw or cooked seafood. The unique food is Sushi at Japan. According to Alex Renton (2006), Sushis migration and the process of its globalisation started in the large expat Japanese communities all round the Pacific rim in western and southern America, Australia and Brazil. Now, the Japanese sushi restaurant located around the world. And sometimes, people always saw some simple sushi shop on the street side that more people queue up to buy it. So that the world people can eat delicious and nutritive seafood by globalization. But, ten years ago, sushi is costly for the world people without Japanese. And there just were two o r three Japanese restaurants located. As everyone knows, currys origin is India. But now, curries of Thailand, curries of Japan and curries of China is also famous at the world. In especially, Thailand curry is popular that as Thailands unique food in the world. The Thailand local climate is tropical and characterized by monsoons, it makes the Thai food live on sour, sweet, salty, and bitter. In Thailand food, the most famous is the Thai curry. Its different with India curry. In Indian cooking, ghee a milky clarified butter is a key constituent of their spicy curries. An overview and brief history of Thai food (n.d) adds that, While the Thai people didnt have as much access to or knowledge of dairy products, they successfully substituted coconut milk for this creamy ingredient in their own dishes. So, it become popular around the world. And by globalization make more and more Thai restaurant was set up at many countries. French diet represents polite, rigorous and romantic diet around the world. As everyone knows, French dining atmosphere that have dim lights, candles, soft music, a set table and a nice bottle of wine is the most suitable for lovers. Its not only guide the romantic trend around the world, but also guide a lifestyle. Life elegant, enjoy every minute. To enjoy life of French, becoming the mainstream of the world. And on the other hand, the globalization makes the diet culture spread around the world, but the unhealthy diet also was spread with globalization. In especially, French diet be changed by globalization. According to the Michael, Stefan and Dana (2003) that, The taste for American fast-food products like McDonalds hamburgers and Coca-Cola has long been fashionable. Urbanization is leading to more sedentary lifestyles in French. And more and more, even traditional foods are being prepared from processed flour and other ingredients that yield more calories and less healthy roughage. conclude Globalization affects the festival Each country have own traditional festival. For example, Chinese New Year is the most important festival for Chinese people all over the world. The Spring Festival shows traditional culture festival. The Spring Festival is review and incentives on the peace, friendship and kinship, and is blessings and prayers for future life. And Christmas is the most important religion festival for the western people. And people exchange gifts, send Christmas cards, which are to make Christmas as a celebration time for people. Globalization make these featival spread around the world. World people can enjoy different featival culture. But, with the development of globalization, foreign culture has received more attention than the local culture. In recent years, more and more Chinese young people that make Christmas has become popular increasingly, they was pay close attention more for Christmas than Chinese own festival. It makes Dragon Boat Festival and other Chinese traditional festivals are classified as other countrys heritage. When Christmas coming, Chinese streets will be full of Christmas atmosphere. Roadside trees was decorative by colorful lighting; many businesses will sell Christmas items during Christmas day, like Christmas tree, santa hat. Most of young people will take party or singing song to celebration. On the contrary, young people will stay at home or play with friends like normal day at Spring Festival. quote The young people has not strong sence for the traditional featival, and they are more likely to be novel featival to attract. The traditional festival has traditional rules that making young peopel feel bound. The Weatern Festival was spread to make them take more attention to festival that can release them emotions, such as Valentines day, Mothers Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day. Anxiously, along with the globalization development, some traditional festivals will be forgotten, and replaced by foreign festival. Globalization affects the movie Talking about movie, American film or Hollywood film is representative of the movie. Sometimes, Hollywood film leads to the world film. Action movie that have one or more heroes is thrust into a series of challenges that require physical feats, extended fights and frenetic chases is the most famous film types in the Hollywood. It attract to many people cause real behavior, great scene. In Inna Ignatovich (n.d.) opinion, Because of the economic domination of the U.S.A. in the world and serious political and economical problems in my country, the movie theaters in our cities are filled with Hollywood action movies. The low financing available to our movie directors doesnt give them the possibility of creating high quality art, so the movie theaters are swamped with low cost American films-violent action films. This type of dominance creates a negative effect on the young generation and can increase crime. In this situation, we see not just the spread of culture to another country, but also the spread of the problems of that culture. Action movie set up the peoples heroes, at the same time it also praised the violence. Globalization affects the health Topic Kelley (2004) adds that for high-income countries, the debate surrounding globalisation and health tends to focus on the perceived threat, from low- and middle-income countries, of acquiring certain acute and epidemic infections, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, plague and, more recently, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). 6 Richer countries also fear the potential financial burden of unhealthy populations migrating from the developing world. Globalization is making the world people can go to the different countries to developed. Most people would like to stay at city or country that have more opportunity to work or have a higher salary. This phenomenon increase the country or city economy. At the same time, its also brings certain pressure for the environment of this area, and makes the environment has harm on peoples health. And then, Kelley (2004) mentions that, Cognitive changes brought about by advertising and marketing Western consumer goods have facilitated the global spread of so-called lifestyle diseases (eg, obesity) in certain populations within low- and middle-income countries. In especially, Frances growing fat problem cause fast food style. Fast food is features of American diet. Globalization make more and more fast-food brand spread around the world, such as McDonalds hamburgers and Coca-Cola. Fast food guide to fast lifestyle replace the French original strict diet culture. Sedentary lifestyles has been fashionable at urban. And then, people take many unhealthy food and do less sports than before, the fat problems has become more and more serious than before. According to the Michael, Stefan and Dana (2003) Traditional foods are being prepared from processed flour and other ingredients that yield more calories and less healthy roughage. conclude Conclusion Developing with globalization, different culture can spread around the world. Culture combine with local culture become a new culture, but it makes some small culture like language was disappeared. Following this further, how to reduce to loss of culture is big problem for the worlds people.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Inside pages :: Computer Science

Inside pages IMPLEMENTATION ============== Version 1 Front and Back page First I inserted a line; this indicates to me that it is splitting the front page and back page. This was then followed up by a textbox on the back page for the surgery times, emergencies and contact number. The last thing I did on the back page was inserting the logo, address, telephone number and surgery name these were imported from the Shared area. The front page included a text box for the title and a hamster picture. The hamster picture was imported from the Shared area. Inside pages The inside pages only consisted of two text boxes and a hamster picture. One would take up nearly all of one inside page and the other just a bit over half an inside page. Then I went to the Shared area for a hamster picture. This picture was similar to the front page hamster picture but was not the same. Version 2 Front and back pages First I opened the program Microsoft Publisher to carry on my implementation of Task 1. I had got the information of the surgery times, emergencies and contact number from the Shared area. I typed this in the text box I inserted earlier. Then I went onto the front page to produce the title. This was done in Microsoft Word and was imported into Microsoft Publisher. Inside Pages First of all I open the program, because it is separate. I carry on the work by adding the text. The text could not fit in the frame. So I had to rearrange the font size to make it smaller. Now that the text was added I can carry on to put colour in the leaflet. Version 3 Front and back pages Now I needed to add any design features I need. So the main design features, which was needed was the colour in the leaflet. S o I added the colour in both these pages so that it was the same colour on the front and back page. It covered everything including the text then I clicked the â€Å"send to back† icon and it went to the background. Inside pages The inside pages were different colour to the front and back pages because I decided to use a variety of colours throughout the leaflet. So I chose what colour I wanted and sent it to the background. Version 4 Front and back pages The leaflet looks to be more appropriate now. This leaflet’s front and back page has changed due to more colours to the textboxes. The textboxes and title textbox now contain different colours and different colours to the front and back page.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Morality and Utilitarianism Essay

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that holds that an action is right if it produces, or if it tends to produce, the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people affected by the action. Otherwise the action is wrong. This cost-benefit analysis is a form of utility calculation. People in business theory use utility curves to plot the results of various actions, choosing those that maximize whatever it is that they wish to achieve. This utility approach is not foreign to most people. It is widely used in many forms of general decision making and can be applied to moral issues as well as to strictly business issues. A defense of utilitarianism as an ethical theory is that it describes what rational people actually do in making moral decisions. It explicitly formulates for them the procedures they intuitively and spontaneously use in moral reasoning. The theory renders explicit what is implicit in the ordinary moral reasoning and argumentation that we ourselves use Utilitarianism adopts a teleological approach to ethics and claims that actions are to be judged by their consequences. According to this view, actions are not good or bad in themselves. Actions take on moral value only when considered in conjunction with the effects that follow upon them. ACT AND RULE UTILITARIANISM Act utilitarianism holds that each individual action, in all its concreteness and in all its detail, is what should be subjected to the utilitarian test. Rule utilitarians hold that utility applies appropriately to classes of actions rather than to given individual actions. Thus, by looking at the general consequences of breaking contracts in the past, we can determine that breaking contracts is immoral. OBJECTIONS TO UTILITARIANISM One objection claims that utilitarianism is ungodly because it proposes utility, rather than the Bible or God, as a basis for moral judgments. A second objection frequently brought against utilitarianism is that no one has the time to calculate all the consequences of an action beforehand. A third objection to utilitarianism is that we cannot know the full results of any action, nor can we accurately weigh the different kinds of good and evil that result. The calculation is artificial and not practical. APPLYING UTILITARIANISM 1. Accurately state the action to be evaluated. 2. Identify all those who are directly and indirectly affected by the action. 3. Consider whether there is some dominant, obvious consideration that carries such importance as to outweigh other considerations. 4. Specify all the pertinent good and bad consequences of the action for those directly affected, as far into the future as appears appropriate, and imaginatively consider various possible outcomes and the likelihood of their occurring. 5. Weigh the total good results against the total bad results, considering quantity, duration, propinquity or remoteness, fecundity, and purity for each value (kind of good and kind of bad), and the relative importance of these values. 6. Carry out a similar analysis, if necessary, for those indirectly affected, as well as for society as a whole. 7. Sum up all the good and bad consequences. If the action produces more good than bad, the action is morally right; if it produces more bad than good, it is morally wrong. 8. Consider, imaginatively, whether there are various alternatives other than simply doing or not doing the action, and carry out a similar analysis for each of the other alternative actions. 9. Compare the results of the various actions. The action that produces the most good (or the least bad, if none produces more good than bad) among those available is the morally proper action to perform UTILITARIANISM AND BRIBERY Bribery in business is an interesting kind of action to examine from a utilitarian point of view, because those who engage in bribery frequently justify their actions based on something similar to utilitarian grounds. Utilitarianism, far from being a self-serving approach to moral issues, demands careful, objective, and impartial evaluation of consequences. It is a widely used—but often misused—approach to moral evaluation. A powerful tool of moral reasoning, it is a technique well worth mastering. CASE SUMMARIES An Airplane Manufacturing Case An airplane manufacturer has spent a great deal of money developing a new airplane. The company badly needs cash because it is financially overextended. If it does not get some large orders soon, it will have to close down part of its operation. Doing that will put several thousand workers out of jobs. The president of the company bribes a foreign minister to insure the purchase of the planes, arguing that the good done overall justifies the use of bribery.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union in...

The Cold War was the name given to the time period from 1945 to 1991. After World War II, tensions began between the United States and the Soviet Union. Fighting between the United States and Soviet Union did not happen directly against each other. Instead they fought with arms races, space races, and spying. Both superpowers set aside their differences to defeat Adolf Hitler, even before the war the United States distrusted the Soviet Union. The United States disliked the way the Soviet Union ran government. They believed that the Soviet Union wanted to overthrow the non-communist governments. The Cold War was rising when a revolution in Russia occurred. One of the socialist majority parties, the Bolsheviks overthrew the Czar, and it led to a communist government. The creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) feared America that the Soviet Union challenged the democratic values of the United States. President Woodrow Wilson saw that the Bolsheviks leader Vladimir wanted to spread communism around the world. Wilson sent troops in 1919 to try to defeat the revolutions. Before World War II, Soviet troops occupied most of Eastern Europe. Stalin promised to hold â€Å"free elections† in these Eastern European nations. Later he broke that promise. By 1948, Communists controlled the governments of every Eastern country except Yugoslavia. In each country the Soviets placed dictators. In 1946 British statesman (respected leader or figure) Winston Churchill, warnedShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War Is A Time Of Political Tension Between The United States And The Soviet Union1154 Words   |  5 PagesThe Cold War is a time of political tension between the United States and the USSR following World War II and lasting decades. It was a clash of ideology- capitalism versus communism- and a fight for dominance, by utilizing every opportunity for expansion (Trueman 1). 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